Director Monica D. Saliendres of the DAP-PDC-Productivity Development Research Office (PDRO) presented the symposium feature topic, 鈥淓vidence-based SQS to Delight Customers: Nationwide 2021 Business Satisfaction e-Survey (e-BizSat) Results鈥

The 草莓社区 (DAP) presented the survey findings of the 聽2021 Business Satisfaction e-Survey (e-BizSat) at the Third Symposium on Institutionalizing Service Quality Standards: Best Practices in Using Evidence-based Service Quality Standards to Delight Citizens and Business Clients. The virtual event, organized by the Productivity and Development Center (PDC)-Government Quality Management Program (GQMP), also showcased some local best practices in using client-based service standards, and highlighted the value of using evidence-based inputs from businesses in improving the design and delivery of frontline government services in the new normal.

草莓社区President and Chief Executive Officer, Atty. Engelbert C. Caronan Jr., in his welcome remarks, emphasized that organizations can respond to their clients鈥 needs by using the information gathered from them to develop service quality standards (SQS) that will not only meet client鈥檚 expectations, but also delight them. 鈥淎s public servants, we know the tough challenges ahead of us. We know that our transacting public wants more from the government, from social protection to security, safety, and enough food on their tables. They want more and they deserve more,鈥 Caronan underscored.

Keynote Speaker Kim Robert C. de Leon, then Budget Undersecretary and functional group head for DBM鈥檚 Organization and Systems Improvement Group, explained the significance of seeking clarity to excel in public service in his keynote message. According to him, feedback is 鈥渁 fast and sure way to focus efforts, redirect a course, and ultimately achieve a goal. But only if one sees the process through鈥攁 process that involves actively seeking feedback, studying, and understanding it, and then finally, acting on it.鈥 He also mentioned the GQMP鈥檚 ultimate goal of steering the bureaucracy towards a more citizen-centered service delivery consciousness and culture of quality.

Director Monica D. Saliendres, of the PDC-Productivity Development Research Office, presented the highlights of the results of the nationwide 2021 Business Satisfaction e-Survey (e-BizSat) on frontline government services. For instance, according to the respondents of the survey, the top 10 most important service attributes are getting what is needed from the frontline government agency, fast transaction, easy payment method, fast complaint resolution, fairness of agency, easy to contact the agency by phone, professional frontliners, observance of health protocols, clear transaction process, reasonable regulatory requirements due to COVID-19, and the conduciveness of government regulations for businesses to grow. She also described the key steps in establishing evidence-based SQS, or based on data from the survey, and discussed how these can be used in managing the expectations of the transacting public on frontline government services in the new normal.

Two recipients of the Philippine Quality Award, namely, The Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and the flag carrier, Philippine Airlines (PAL), shared local best practices.

LBP Strategy and Knowledge Management Group Senior Vice President Elcid C. Pangilinan talked about how Landbank delivers quality service guided by their new brand promise #ServingtheNation. Pangilinan described their approaches in gathering information through active engagement with stakeholders, developing products and services that cater to the clients鈥 needs, and maintaining SQS through strong policies and guidelines and internal and external assessments.

Land Bank of the Philippines Senior Vice President for Strategy and Knowledge Management Group Elcid C. Pangilinan shared how they pursue their new brand promise 鈥淪erving the Nation鈥

Likewise, DBP Strategic Planning Group Senior Vice President Ronaldo U. Tepora shared the DBP鈥檚 journey in institutionalizing service quality through their Customer Experience (CX) Strategy and Service Attributes which include Bayan Muna Bago ang Sarili, Financial Consumer Protection Framework, and Customer-centricity. He also discussed DBP’s Service Quality Model, the CX Framework, and highlighted their best practice efforts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Development Bank of the Philippines Senior Vice President Ronaldo Tepora shared their bank鈥檚 Service Quality Model

Meanwhile, Jill Noreen R. Legaspi, officer-in-charge of PAL鈥檚 Customer Experience Division, presented how PAL used customer feedback as a way to enable great customer travel experience by strengthening communication and collaboration as well as investing in the right tools and technology. which gave PAL a competitive advantage as one of the leading five-star major airlines.

PAL Officer-in-Charge of the Customer Experience Division, Jill Noreen Legaspi described how PAL determines passenger needs and wants throughout the customer journey and touchpoints

草莓社区Senior Vice President for Program Operations Magdalena L. Mendoza, who delivered the closing remarks, recalled how the pandemic drastically changed the way of doing things and has pushed rethinking on how to ensure continued public service, provide comfortable and secure lives for the people, and develop or reinforce new mindsets and perspectives. 鈥淣ow is the perfect time to dig deeper and use the data that we have in developing citizen-responsive service quality standards that will improve the way we deliver our services to the people,鈥 she added. She also said that milestones such as the symposium will help promote quality service as the country steps into a new and better normal towards national recovery.